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1. Submission and acceptance of the application form shall not create any right whatsoever in favor of the applicant or any liability/obligation on ABHYAS to accept the offer.
2. The offer made by the applicant subject to verification by ABHYAS.
3. The decision of ABHYAS shall be final and binding.
4. If any information provided by the applicant in the application is found to be false, ABHYAS has the descrition to reject the application.
5. The appointment of Mission and Vission Partner is at sole discretion of ABHYAS and no query shall be entertained in this aspect.
6. Site visit may be made to ascertain the facts stated in the application form.
ABHYAS online portal is helpful to School / Institution / Academy to hone their competitive edge in this knowledge based environment. ABHYAS learning enables the institution to know each Student performance at any time. Following are the main features:
1. Complete Syllabus for the Session of each Class categorised into Sub-topics/Modules.
2. Sub-Topics / Module are scheduled as per convenience of M&VP.
3. Each Sub-Topic / Module is taken into daily Time Table for each Class.
4. Class Teacher will mark concepts taught in the Class and the student will receive WISE-FA online.
5. WISE-PT and WISE-Testing assigned to students on weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis.
6. Test Generator help students to generate Test for any subject / Module for the topics taught in the Class or to be taught.
7. Offline Written Exams papers are available to the institution to assign them to the students.
8. Work Flow availbale to Institutions for Offline Papers assigned/Checked/Delivered/Needs extra class, etc.
9. Our Partners can view in-depth Analysis Tool for taking action to improve Student performance and do counselling to weak students.
10. Parent Teacher Meeting Module helps the parent to select time slot for meeting with Institution Head.
11. Many more features in the portal for the benefits of Institution as well as for Student.
2. Sub-Topics / Module are scheduled as per convenience of M&VP.
3. Each Sub-Topic / Module is taken into daily Time Table for each Class.
4. Class Teacher will mark concepts taught in the Class and the student will receive WISE-FA online.
5. WISE-PT and WISE-Testing assigned to students on weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis.
6. Test Generator help students to generate Test for any subject / Module for the topics taught in the Class or to be taught.
7. Offline Written Exams papers are available to the institution to assign them to the students.
8. Work Flow availbale to Institutions for Offline Papers assigned/Checked/Delivered/Needs extra class, etc.
9. Our Partners can view in-depth Analysis Tool for taking action to improve Student performance and do counselling to weak students.
10. Parent Teacher Meeting Module helps the parent to select time slot for meeting with Institution Head.
11. Many more features in the portal for the benefits of Institution as well as for Student.